Other Services


We can now digitize your old cassette, 8-track, reel-to-reel and cassette tapes!


We all have them, those older family pictures of people who look vaguely like you. You know they’re related, but who are they? Why didn’t anyone bother to write their names on the back of the photo? Well, we can’t go back in time and force your ancestors to label their photos, but we have two ways to remedy this problem for your future generations at Digital Archiving and Photo Restoration by Bogframe. The first is simply to use the names of the people in the photo as a title. The other and better way is to digitally put their names right on the photo!

How many times have you gone out as a family and taken a picture, but had to leave the picture taker out? You do it all the time, Dad takes the picture, Mom comes out of the group, takes the camera from Dad, Dad goes into the group and Mom takes the picture. It’s either that or risk handing your camera to a total stranger and hope he/she doesn’t run off with it! We give you another alternative. Send us BOTH pictures, and we can put everyone together digitally! (We can take people out too.)

1968 color prints with the mother digitally added to the first photo

NEW You have that lovely photo of your grandmother taken oh, so many years ago. It’s a great picture of her and captures her spirit beautifully, but it would have been so much more special had it been taken in color. Not to worry, we can help. We now colorize B&W photos if you desire!


Maybe you have a treasured antique photo that has faded and been damaged over the years. Maybe it was cut to fit an oval frame and you want a more rectangular shape. That’s the beauty of Digital Archiving and Photo Restoration by Bogframe; we’re not just technicians, we’re artists! When you entrust your beloved but damaged photo to us, we will painstakingly and lovingly restore it so it can be treasured for decades to come. We also give you the option of a photo quality paper print, suitable for framing.

1930’s photo, before and after digital restoration

The Impossible Restoration                                                                                                                          This was brought to us in over thirteen pieces. The face of the bride was missing, so the client chose another picture of the bride, and we digitally used it to seamlessly substitute for the missing piece

Have you ever taken that all-important Photo only to find that it was too dark or too light? Even worse, that there was a person or object there that ruined the composition? Never fear, we are here! We can digitally correct the exposure on that photo and also remove that unsightly person or thing!

Over under ab

Underexposed Photo With Ugly Outdoor Heater Exposure Corrected and Heater Digitally Removed

9 thoughts on “Other Services

  1. A friend sent me an email of a photo of him and his grandmother.
    No one has the actual photo. Just this email image. It is light in color.
    Can you work with this and somehow make it into a photo?
    Please let me know. Thanks so much

    • Update:
      Miss Peters sent me the image and I was able to bring it back to life for her friend. She sent me this message:

      Hi Seth,
      I received the photo when I got home last night. Its great.
      I really didn’t think anyone could do what you did.
      I truly thank you and will refer you to anyone that i can.
      All the Best to you.


  2. Hi i am tryn to contact a bogframe.com from a post yrs ago about digital analizers and hearing impairment. Simply i was given a audio sonic 200 graphic equalizer spectrum analyizer with the cord cut off and wondered if i splice another cord and put it on my stereo. Could i adjust vocals on cds so that i could hear them better? Out of my league but tryn to figureit out. Any info appreciated. Tx

    • I think you may have my site confused with someone else’s. Our products are visually oriented rather than audio. That being said, just splicing a cord on could do more damage than good, as you have no guarantee that you will get the polarity right. If you get it wrong, you can damage the unit. I’d suggest bringing it to someone who is well-versed in electronics and have it done properly.

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