Transparency Scanning

Some people have drawers/boxes/envelopes full of old negatives and it’s hard to figure out what and/or who the pictures are just by looking at them, especially old Black & White ones. Send your negatives to us and we can not only scan them, but if they’re under/over exposed and/or damaged in any way, we can digitally retouch them, making the resulting positive image look like the day it was taken no matter how long ago that was! We can handle anything from a tiny 110 negative to 35mm, 620, 127, 126 (instamatic), 120 or any negative up to 3¼” wide.
As of December 2013, we can now scan any negative or transparency up to 8″ x 10″ thanks to a major hardware upgrade!

1930 Silver Nitrate Negative Turned Positive

1930 Silver Nitrate Negative Turned Positive

Sometimes you’ll find a strip of negatives and you have no idea what the pictures are supposed to be. Sometimes you’ll find a strip of negatives and don’t have prints to go with them. Sometimes you’ll find that those negatives haven’t been stored all that well and they’re dirty and/or scratched. It’s not the end of the world; we can help.

1955 120 Negative Turned Positive

Our state-of-the-art hardware and software combined with our many years of experience allows us to work near miracles with your negatives, be they pristine or if they look like they’ve been chewed up and spit out. We can not only remove scratches, splotches and stains, but if the photos were over or underexposed, we can correct that too!

We at Digital Archiving and Photo Restoration by Bogframe we have several services to meet your 21st Century photo needs. For example, you may have slides stored away. Slides that you never look at anymore because it’s too much of a hassle to take out your projector and screen, wait for nighttime and have a slide show. Why not put them in a padded envelope or a box, send them to us and let us scan them and burn them onto a CD or DVD so you can see them anytime on your computer or TV?

Slides, unfortunately, are unstable.  They fade, the color shifts and gets muddy, and the older a slide gets, the more it fades. By scanning your 35mm, 127, or 120 slides at high resolution and then, using our years of expertise, digitally restoring them, we can bring them back to their former glory for your viewing pleasure on your PC, TV or mobile device.

As of December 2013, we can now scan any negative or transparency up to 8″ x 10″ thanks to a major hardware upgrade!

1963 Ektachrome® 35mm Slide Before & After Restoration

1968 120 slide scanned and color corrected


1964 Ektachrome 35mm slide before and after restoration

1954 Ektachrome slide before and after restoration

1954 Ektachrome 35mm slide before and after restoration


Do you have View-Master® reels, but nothing to view them on? Fear not! We can now scan your reels for you and present the views in either:Fed and State Reel 1 copy

1 NYSP web

or anaglyph format! (we can even provide red/cyan glasses for a nominal fee)1 NYSP ana


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